Sensational news from the scientists from Chile, who were engaged in research on anti-alcohol people. Chilean scientists claim to have invented a vaccine that can reduce alcohol consumption among men 90-95%.
The principle of the vaccine, invented by Chilean scientists is quite simple - blocking the release in the human body, the enzyme responsible for the withdrawal of alcohol from the body. Thus, the effect as a strong hangover will pursue anyone who had used alcohol after vaccination. Attack of the strongest hangover, which is manifested by headaches, palpitations, severe nausea and sweating, according to scientists, should be sufficient factor for the rejection of alcohol in principle.
At this time clinical trials are conducted on rats and studies involving human subjects should begin no earlier than 2012. While many details remain unknown, such as: the impact of vaccine on liver cells, side effects of the delay of alcoholic substances in the body, emotional and psychological consequences of exposure to modern humans. A vaccine against alcoholism, which is developed by Chilean scientists, so far only theoretically could be a tool used to combat alcoholism. World Health Organization (WHO) has repeatedly drawn the attention of physicians of all countries on the problem of alcoholism and drug addiction, but research in this area has not yet possible to synthesize a vaccine or medicine that has a 100% effect for physiology and for the psyche of dependent people.