Thursday, October 30, 2008

For what purpose is create a common technology hyperthermia ceiling?

First, the sick and malignant cells of the human body operate fatal fever.
Secondly, high temperatures can also destroy many micro-organisms and viruses.
Easy and comfortable without effects and complications, moved higher overall hyperthermia man helps anesthetist. Therefore, this treatment is conducted with a total intravenous anesthesia, with myoplegia and Ventilator pure oxygen.
Applying the THC on hundreds of patients, in addition to impact on disease-causing agents, we see an overall improvement in quality of life of patients by improving the operation of all vital organs and systems. This, in turn, is the result of overall strong health-improving of heat, which never happens after chemotherapy.
AIDS virus is not "love" a high temperature, however, like all agents of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Already with 42 ° C half of this "army" destroyed. But after the course THC body virtually cleared of STD pathogens. The most remarkable is that the units of micro-organisms, "survivors" after the THC, are from the heat defective, inferior and can not, in the future to reproduce. Thus, the way of effective treatment of difficult diseases as herpes, chlamydia, syphilis, hepatitis C and B, HIV - AIDS, etc.

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