Friday, September 13, 2013

Man cured of AIDS after receiving stem cell transplant

In what many in the mainstream media and medical community have now dubbed their first known case of cured AIDS, Timothy Ray Brown's miraculous healing from the deadly syndrome is sending shock waves throughout the world. After receiving a bone marrow stem cell transplant back in 2007, Brown inherited a genetic immunity from those stem cells that cured him of not only AIDS, but also leukemia.

Dubbed "The Berlin Patient," Brown first tested positive for HIV back in 1995. And for years, he unsuccessfuly battled the disease using conventional methods. But when doctors decided to give him a stem cell transplant, everything changed.

"I quit taking my HIV medication the day that I got the transplant and haven't had to take any since," said Brown to reporters from CBS 5 in San Francisco. "I'm cured of HIV. I had HIV, but I don't anymore."

According to reports, roughly one percent of Caucasians have a natural immunity to HIV and AIDS, and the stem cells Brown received came from someone within this rare one percent. As a result, the white blood cells created in his body via the injected stem cells ended up giving him that same immunity.

Brown's doctors, as well as various other experts and scientific journals, have all confirmed that Brown has been cured of both his AIDS and his leukemia. And Dr. Judy Auerbach from the San Francisco AIDS Foundation told CBS reporters that "things have shifted" in terms of using the word "cure" in reference to AIDS, which is breathing new hope into those hopeful for a cure themselves.

However, despite the numerous references in the media to Brown being the first person ever to have been cured of AIDS, there have actually been many others who have successfully defeated the syndrome through immune support -- but these cases, of course, have been ignored by the mainstream medical and scientific community. In fact, a healthy immune system is the true key to both resisting HIV infection, and successfully reversing it. 

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