Thursday, October 30, 2008

Conclusion of AIDS Cure

Treatment of HIV infection is a complex health issue.

Drug suppression of increasing viral load does not solve all the impact of HIV due to the development of drug resistance and side-adverse effects of drugs on the body. Favorable thermal effects on the body and effective reduction of viraemia can be used in the integrated treatment of HIV-infected patients. The safety of peak hyperthermia allows for thermal treatment courses on the scheme, repeatedly


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The method of total peak hyperthermia (PG)

To create a safe way to the overall hyperthermia, we assumed a total of thermodynamics and heat stress on the body. The figure presents options for general heating body, which proposes to develop our version of the total peak hyperthermia (Figure 1) to heat stress on the body 5-6 times smaller than the well-known, used worldwide

In order to establish a protocol, using the method (PG), a thermal uniform treatment 30 HIV-infected patients. Shown the safety of this technique. The effectiveness as measured by changes in the level of CD4 + lymphocytes and viral load in the blood.

Description of PG

Under the scheme of treatment a patient three procedures hyperthermia peak at a frequency of 1 every 3-4 days, after which the patient is on outpatient observation for a period of 2 months, then be 4-I procedure.

The procedure peak hyperthermia is carried out under total intravenous anesthesia with myoplegia and high Ventilator pure oxygen.

For 2 days before the procedure, the patient is held pre procedure training methene (10 mg / kg 3 times a day per os). A standard fluid preparation (Sol. NaCl 0,9% - 400,0 ml + Sol. Trentali 5,0 ml, Sol.Glucosae 10% - 400,0 ml + Sol. KCl 4% - 30,0 ml + Sol. MgSO4 25% - 5,0 ml + Sol. Insulin 6 pcs.) is purifying enema.

The morning of the procedure is repeated fluid preparation (Sol. NaCl 0,9% - 400,0 ml + Sol. Trentali 5,0 ml, Sol. Glucose 10% - 400,0 ml + Sol. KCl 4% - 30,0 ml + Sol. MgSO4 25% - 5,0 ml + Sol. Insulin 6 pcs.)

After induction anesthesia and the introduction of muscle relaxants patient to intubate, transferred to the HIV IVL installed sensor sensitive 0,05 ° C (Ist and IInd trimester - in the middle third of esophagus, III-s - in the course of the bow) temperature recorded the maximum of testimony. If it’s necessary, organize set nasogastric probe. After anesthesia patient into the bathtub with water (water temperature 45 - 45,5 ° C). After a period of adaptation (1-2 minutes) begin warming the patient's immersion-convection way. Gradually, the water temperature brought to 46 - 46,5 ° C. During the procedure, the patient entered migraine & other episodic disorders and metabolic drugs. For 15-20 minutes the patient's body temperature brought to 43 - 43,5 ° C and warming stops. We establish a urinary catheter, a fluid therapy to correct volumeter disorders. Cooling the patient is happening passively for 30 - 50 minutes.

During the warm blood pressure is controlled with a period of 30-45 seconds, with continuous monitoring heart rate. (AD allowed to systolic blood pressure - 140 - 200 mm RT. Art., Diastolic blood pressure - 80 - 0 mm RT. Art., HR> 120 per minute, <170> 50 ml / h. After the procedure, the patient may experience nausea and vomiting.

All the time between procedures, the patient must take methene (10 mg / kg 3 times a day per os).

Safety of PG

It held 120 procedures peak hyperthermia from 30 patients suffering from HIV infection stage III and IVA (classification V. Pokrovsky).

Phase III diagnosed among 87% of patients (26 people), stage IVA from 13% (4).

Average time warming, the maximum temperature, cooling time and overall time Ventilator, when (PG) in HIV - infected patients.

Time warming n = 120 n = maximum temperature of 120 cooling time n = 120 Total IVL n = 120

17 ± 1 min 43,4 ± 0,2 o 16 ± 2 min 46 ± 4 min

Compare the clinical and biochemical indicators in the first procedure, the first day after the third procedure and the second day after the fourth procedure peak hyperthermia. R-graph of light and ECG did not identify any changes, as compared to baseline.

Trased with overall target Conducted to assess the overall security procedures for monitoring the peak hyperthermia major hematological indicators: the content of erythrocytes, hemoglobin, white blood cells, differential, platelets and SOE has not identified significant changes. In the overall analysis of urine to climb on the same points, pathology has been identified

After 3 procedures peak hyperthermia, with 12 people a decline in viral load at 1 - 40%, from 18 people - 60 - 99% from baseline (Fig.3).

As shown in Figure 4, after the 4th procedure peak hyperthermia, 90% of patients viral load dropped by more than 91% of the original values, while 10% of patients have reduced vermin from 70 to 90%.

There is reason to believe that the peak hyperthermia not only stimulates immunity, but also has a direct effect viral that justifies its use in the treatment of HIV infection.

Reduced viral load and increased immunity to allow prophylaxis progression of the disease in HIV-infected patients, and possibly the development of immunodeficiency (AIDS).

Contraindications to the use of PG

1. Intolerance of drugs used for the peak hyperthermia.

2. Organ violations and lack of function of vital organs.

3. Changes in clinical and biochemical indicators:

- Leucocytes <3> 10 * 10 ^ 9 / L, platelets <150>

- The level of bilirubin, ALT, AST greater than 2-fold rule;

- The level of urea, creatinine increased more than 10% of the border rules.

4. HIV - the infection stage IVB, IVV, V.

5. Pregnancy.

Methods of general hyperthermia

Techniques hyperthermia applied in practice fall into three categories: contact, perfusion, Electromagnetic. They have long been used in oncology, as adjuvant therapy.

Overall hyperthermia (OG) is applied with the help of non-invasive methods of heat: hot air, water, ozocerite, ultrasound, electromagnetic radiation, by way of invasive extracorporal warm blood. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. For non-invasive methods are: the difficulty of monitoring and the low level of hyperthermia. For invasive ways - the need for vascular surgery, direct contact with the blood of the patient an opportunity to opportunistic infections.

A patient with complete remission showed negative results of tests for HIV in culture and indefinable viral load in the blood (!).

The content of CD4 + increased from 250 to 800 and remained at that level (Alonso K., Pontiggia P. Inhibition of HIV replication and augmentation of cellular cytotoxic response following systemic hyperthermia Abstr. 88th Ann. Sci. Assam. South Med. Assoc.Orlando, FLA, Nov. 2-6, 1994 South Med. J -1994, 87, # 9, p.131)

After hyperthermic treatment of HIV, found the reduction in viral load in patients, increasing their activity CD8 cytotoxic T-lymphocytes and natural killer cells. Increased the survival time of patients (24 out of 31, with the expected 6) for a period of 2 years discussed a mechanism of positive impact OUG.

Italy, clinic Clinica di Cura Citta, Pavia.

Studied the safety and effectiveness of double hyperthermia (with an interval of 4 days) in 30 patients with AIDS (not receiving protease inhibitors), randomized to:

1) Control group without treatment

2) group, which used hyperthermia low 40 ° C for 1 hour and repeat 96 hours later, and

3) group, which used hyperthermia high 42 ° C for 1 hour, repeating 96 hours later.

In a one-year observation after hyperthermia, there were positive therapeutic effects of treatment on the frequency of complications of AIDS, and the Index Karnovsky and maintaining body weight. However, the effect of treatment on the levels of HIV RNA and CD4 + was transitory. Two consecutive hyperthermia procedures were the same applied to the 4 patients receiving protease inhibitors / tri therapy. These patients noted improvements in HIV RNA and CD4 + and the good general condition. (Extracorporeal whole body, hyperthermia treatments for HIV infection and AIDS, (Ash, Steinhart, Curfman, Gingrich, Sapir, Ash, Fausset, and Yatvin1997)).

These studies indicate that the clinical application of hyperthermia can reduce viral load, but the available temperature range of 41-42 ° C is not enough to express the effect on the level of viraemia and the complexity and side effects extracorporal techniques further restrict the use of CG in HIV-infected.

Historical background of AIDS Cure

The scientific assumptions in the application of common hyperthermia in the treatment of HIV-infected and AIDS patients, expressed Weatherburnet al. in the late 80-ies ( "New Sci", 1987, 116, # 1588, 28), (Weatherburn H. Hyperthermia and AIDS-treatment. Br. J Radiol - 1988, v.61, # 729, p.862 - 3.) Yatvin and hypotheses about the use for this purpose a combination of hyperthermia and modifiers of biological membranes (Yatvin MB An approach to AIDS therapy using Hyperthermia and membrane modification. Med. Hypotheses Nov 1988, 27 (3) p.163-5) have been implemented in 1990 the American group of researchers under the leadership of K. Alonso.

In the first clinical experiment K. Alonso, extracorporal arteriovenous overall level of hyperthermia 42 ° C was used in patients with advanced resistant disseminated Kaposi sarcoma and the level of CD4 less than 50. The choice of cases dictated by experience of hyperthermia in oncology. Regression pockets sarcoma was within 48 hours after the procedure and reached a peak for the sixth week, but the full permission of pockets sarcoma did not happen. The level of CD4 increased from 50 to 330, and the activity of reverse transcriptase in the blood decreased by 70%. Publication of the clinical case had great public resonance in the U.S. and immediate negative comments from professionals and power structures that ultimately forced the author to seek the support of the Italian colleagues. (Alonso K. Total body hyperthermia in the treatment of Kaposi's sarcoma in an HIV positive patient. Med. Oncol. Tumor Pharmacoter 1991, 8 (1), p45-7).

In 1991, an Italian clinic Clinica di Cura Citta, Pavia passed Phase I clinical trials of hyperthermia in the treatment of HIV-associated Kaposi sarcoma. In the study, ten patients with Kaposi sarcoma suffered hyperthermia single conversation with temperatures reaching the "core" body 42 ° C for 1 hour. During the 30-day observation after hyperthermia marked a complete and 7 partial remission. Two mixed response was observed in patients with autocrine growth of tumors. For 60 days, two of the 7 patients with partial remission were to show signs of tumor progression. The case of complete remission lasted 120 days. Bullets activity of HIV infection dropped from all responding to treatment. In now case had been observed activation of HIV. Hirsute cellular leukoplakia resolved in all patients. For 8 patients with baseline CD4 less than 60, this figure has not changed. However, two patients with baseline CD4 more than 400, the level of CD 4 has increased dramatically during the treatment. No deaths were observed. (K. Alonso, P. Pontiggia, C. Nardi, A. Sabato, and Curto F. Cuppone. Systemic hyperthermia in the treatment of HIV-related Kaposi's sarcoma. A phase I study. Biomed.Pharmacother. 46 (1): 21 -24, 1992.)

Further investigation of this group of scientists on long-term monitoring of patients with Kaposi sarcoma, endured a total one-time perfusion hyperthermia which was attended by 29 men and 2 women with disseminated Kaposi sarcoma and expressed violations of immunity, gave a very interesting results despite the fact that two of the 31 patients died of secondary complications (arrhythmia, bleeding in the central nervous system). Also mentioned 2 cases DVS.

After 30 days after the procedure, 20 out of 29 patients was complete or partial remission. After 120 days - from 14 out of 29. But after 360 days, with 4 out of 29 patients remained tumor regression, including one complete remission (26 months).

For what purpose is create a common technology hyperthermia ceiling?

First, the sick and malignant cells of the human body operate fatal fever.
Secondly, high temperatures can also destroy many micro-organisms and viruses.
Easy and comfortable without effects and complications, moved higher overall hyperthermia man helps anesthetist. Therefore, this treatment is conducted with a total intravenous anesthesia, with myoplegia and Ventilator pure oxygen.
Applying the THC on hundreds of patients, in addition to impact on disease-causing agents, we see an overall improvement in quality of life of patients by improving the operation of all vital organs and systems. This, in turn, is the result of overall strong health-improving of heat, which never happens after chemotherapy.
AIDS virus is not "love" a high temperature, however, like all agents of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Already with 42 ° C half of this "army" destroyed. But after the course THC body virtually cleared of STD pathogens. The most remarkable is that the units of micro-organisms, "survivors" after the THC, are from the heat defective, inferior and can not, in the future to reproduce. Thus, the way of effective treatment of difficult diseases as herpes, chlamydia, syphilis, hepatitis C and B, HIV - AIDS, etc.

Preventing HIV

The heat - it is energy that can change the homeostasis of the body and improve its energy balance.
Artificially high temperature increases metabolism in cells and tissues, through speeding up chemical reactions, according to the law Vant Goff. Opening the closed capillaries, thereby increasing the volume of tissue blood flow by increasing the permeability bio membrane, induced hyperthermia intensify all life processes.
There are biochemical difference between the clean, sterile fever, caused by, for example, hyperthermic baths, and a temperature that accompanies the disease.
Temperature of infectious diseases in the first phase is always accompanied by leukocytosis with an increase polinucleosis, acidosis, and the collapse of the protein, hyperglycemia and increased metabolism. Then, in the second phase, with the relative decrease in temperature decreases with increasing leukocytosis lymphocytes, increased alkaline reserves and reduced glycemia.
When the temperature of an infectious organism to produce additional heat, resulting in significant losses of their energy balance (AS Zalmanov).
Thereby, if an infectious organism, produce a temperature of excessive heat, spending their reserve forces. That is why the temperature of 42 ° C during an infectious disease - it is a death sentence, and the same temperature after hyperthermic bathtub does not bear any risk. The reason for the latter is in that hyperthermic baths give the body additional exogenous heat, without cost to the organism. In addition, the supply of heat hyperthermic bathrooms easily regulated metering. As he wrote Professor Valinsky - hyperthermic bath download body heat, while he himself did not make. "
Man has long been known therapeutic effect of heat. Artificial warming the entire body and its parts are many centuries, used to combat various diseases like aids. For be more informed you can read more information about AIDS symptoms.
20 years ago in Novosibirsk was an attempt to create a secure way of artificial warm person above 42 ° C (total hyperthermia ceiling - THC).
It's a good prototype of traditional treatment of disease by using a lot of drugs form pharmacy, or pharmacy online.

About AIDS Cure Work

Overall hyperthermia (OH)

Man has long been known therapeutic effect of heat. Artificial warming the entire body and its parts are many centuries, used to combat various diseases.

More than 25 years in the Russian health practice artificial hyperthermia. So far it is mainly used in the treatment of the last stages of cancer. It was found that a certain temperature kills virtually all types of malignant cells. At the same time, existing methods of hyperthermia did not allow the patient's body heat above 42 ° C without serious complications that threaten his life. Any temperature stress poorly transferred human body. Starting with 41 C °, many proteins of blood undergoing partial denaturation and temperature 43 ° C for warm-considered unattainable. An employee of the institution was able to do what was considered impossible. 20 years ago in Novosibirsk was an attempt to create a secure way of artificial warm person above 42 ° C.

As a result, "SibNIIG in conjunction with the Novosibirsk Medical University has developed and patented a way to the Common Hyperthermia (CH), the human body, whose principal novelty is that the body of the patient safely warmed up to temperature 43,5-44 C °.

For what purpose was created a common technology hyperthermia high level?

First, the sick and malignant cells of the human body are detrimental effect only high temperatures.

Secondly, high temperatures can also destroy many micro-organisms and viruses. Easy to move, without the effects and complications, a high total hyperthermia person can only under anesthesia.

Therefore, this therapeutic technique includes intubation anesthesia with intravenous general anesthetize and Ventilator pure oxygen.

Aids Cure Reports

1 Report of AIDS Cure

The patient Kris of 26 years old turned to our clinic in April 2005 with the diagnosis: HIV-infection stage IVA, persistent lymphadenopathy, hepatomegaly. Complaints about the increase in axillary lymph nodes, increased fatigue, lower efficiency, a violation of sleep, decrease in appetite. The level of CD4 lymphocytes is 438 cells and viral load 450000 copies of RNA ml of blood serum.
Patient is treating by including 5 of procedures in PG in first year of the scheme, work out in the clinic.

After 3 procedures PG patient significantly reduce the size of axillary lymph nodes, recovered appetite, increased immunity, decreased viral load. After 2 months before the fourth procedure PG level CD4 lymphocytes was 746 cells and viral load of 6800 copies of RNA ml of blood serum. The patient noted a significant decrease in fatigue, increased efficiency (works long-distance truck driver "), normalization of sleep, good appetite. There have been 4th, and then six months and the 5th procedure PG. Since then, the level of CD4 lymphocytes rose to 960 cells and viral load dropped to 670 copies of RNA ml of blood serum.

Patient recommended passage of a general conversation hyperthermia in the year.
In June 2007, patient K spend the 6 procedure, so he feels well, to live a full life without any complaints of health. Drug antiretroviral therapy was undertaken. Rates of common, biochemical and immunological tests are within the norm. Viral load the patient is now 920 copies of RNA ml of blood serum.

Landmark conclusion: as a result of hyperthermal treatment eliminated immunodeficiency (AIDS) and implemented its prevention.

Aids cure main page

Siberian Research Institute of hyperthermia in Novosibirsk

SRHN established by the Novosibirsk State Medical University in 2002.
The main scientific and practical orientation Institute is to develop protocols and schemes thermotherapy (hyperthermia overall) of HIV infection, hepatitis C, as well as prevention of progression of cancer and AIDS. The Institute actively collaborates with scientists from the Institute of Cancer in Washington, the Institute of Applied Medicine in Dresden, University Hospital of Rome and Milan, as well as the offices of clinical hyperthermia in Minsk and Obninsk. Leading members of the institution as a formal member of the International Society of Clinical hyperthermia (ICHS) participated in the annual congress this society.